
Midnight Breakfast

Wouldn’t you know, it’s the end of the semester again! And the end of the semester means Midnight Breakfast. But not my school’s midnight breakfast–that’s disgusting. I’m talking about a piping hot, stick-to-your-ribs plate of food. Enter the return of my epic midnight breakfast.

I did this once before at the end of my sophomore year, and I’m glad it’s been resurrected. I needed a reason to once again break out my delicious cinnamon roll recipe and wow a crowd. It’s so simple, but it’s probably a good thing I don’t make it more frequently . . . I’d probably die . . . and bring my suitemates down with me, haha.

There was so much going on in the kitchen. I don’t know what I was thinking when I planned the menu. Not to mention our RA’s kept interrupting us with additional study snacks and conversation about how fantastic our room smelled. Why thank you very much ;).

Cinnamon rolls, scrambled and sunny-side up eggs, french toast, homefries, BACON, and mimosas. The perfect study food, don’t you know.

These couple of hours were definitely a much-needed break from the insanity of the end of the semester, and it was a wonderful last hurrah for myself and my suitemates. One of the girls left the next morning, so it was the perfect little send-off for us.

All in all, this was the perfect study break at the perfect time. I look forward to the end of next semester when I can do this again.


Clockwork Prince Release Event

Here’s something a little different.

Interning at Little Simon has had so many perks this semester. I don’t know how many free books I’ve gotten from the give-away shelves, but it’s a lot. Yesterday topped it all, though.

I was introduced to Cassandra Clare’s books in the spring, and I read all of The Mortal Instruments series and the first book in The Infernal Devices series over the summer. Just like so many other fans, I was eagerly awaiting the December 6th release of Clockwork Prince (the second Infernal Devices book). And wouldn’t you know, her publisher, McElderry, is an imprint of Simon & Schuster! If that fact wasn’t obvious before, the giant poster at the end of the hall on my floor certainly clears up any doubts. Love it.

Needless to say, when I received the invitation to the in-house release event, I was literally through the roof with joy (and it was certainly needed that day). If the event wasn’t at a time when I wasn’t normally at S&S, you could be sure I would be there anyway. Thankfully it fell during my normal work hours, so no classes needed to be skipped to take part.

Well, the day and hour arrived and I was the second person to the conference room, aside from the people setting up. I quickly snatched up a copy of Clockwork Prince to get signed, and then the waiting began.

People wandered into the room bit by bit, and it was pretty packed by the time the guest of honor arrived.

We toasted the release and ate cake, then those of us who wanted to, got in line to get our books autographed. Despite the ton of people that showed up, not everyone was as enthusiastic as I was about meeting Cassie and getting books signed. I took that as a good thing, because I didn’t feel nearly as guilty about lining up 4-ish times.

When it was my turn, we exchanged pleasantries, and wouldn’t you know, Cassie had thought she’d met me before! I wish! She was so nice and personable, even after the fourth time I came around, haha.

I stayed until there were only a few stragglers left (mostly editors and such who were required to be there), and boy did I make out like a bandit. All of those pretty books on the table were ours for the taking, so I took. I now have in my possession a signed collection of Cassandra Clare’s works. I even managed to get a copy of Clockwork Prince signed and mailed off to the friend who introduced me to these books!

Now I just need to get back to S&S when the fifth Mortal Instruments book is released on May 8th. And wouldn’t you know, that’s my school’s Reading Day! Perhaps I’ll be paying S&S a visit that afternoon. . . . I can’t wait!